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The Mindful Parenting & Community Project
Finding clarity & focus in each moment
The Mindful Parenting & Community Project (MPCP) was established in 2015 by a group of Mindfulness Practitioners to support you to manage your mental health and wellbeing through connecting with mindfulness as an individual, parent, child, teacher or community.
We aim to focus our support on the more deprived areas of the South West to bring improved health and wellbeing to those that are more isolated or vulnerable within their community.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally, with curiosity and kindness
What is Mindful Parenting?
Mindful parenting is an on-going creative process, not an end point.
It involves intentionally bringing non-judgemental awareness, as best we can, to each moment.
This includes being aware of the inner landscape of our own thought, emotions and body sensation, and the outer landscape of our children, our family, our home, and the broader culture we inhabit. It is an on-going practice that can grow to include:
- Greater awareness of our child’s unique nature, feelings, and needs.
A greater ability to be present and listen with full attention.
Recognising and accepting things as they are in each moment, whether pleasant or unpleasant.
Recognising one’s own reactive impulse and learning to respond more appropriately and imaginatively, with greater clarity and kindness.

Monday - Friday: 10.00 - 16.30
245 Glenfrome Road,
Bristol BS5 6TP
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