Suzanne Lloyd
Suzanne began exploring mindfulness over a decade ago and in 2015 embarked on a training process in order to teach mindfulness to others. This all stems from Suzanne's passion for learning and a curiosity about life, in particular how our minds work and how we can work with our minds.
Mindfulness is a human capacity that we all have and which can be developed. Through mindfulness courses, Suzanne enjoys helping you to explore the inner landscape of the mind, connecting with body and emotions. Increased vitality, reduced levels of stress, a stronger sense of control and optimism are just some of the benefits that a mindful approach to life can bring.
Suzanne has trained in mindfulness teaching at Exeter University, UK, completing the Post Graduate Certificate in Psychological Therapies (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapies and Approaches) in 2019, and in 2020 completed the Post Graduate Diploma of the above course, passing both with merit.
She is a BAMBA-registered mindfulness teacher, which means she follows ethical guidelines for the profession, such as receiving regular supervision and ongoing training.
(BAMBA – British Association for Mindfulness-based Approaches bamba.org.uk)
Suzanne has developed, written and delivered mindfulness courses for organisations throughout the South West, including South Gloucestershire and North Somerset Councils. After studying a BA (Hons) in Business Studies with French and Spanish and a PGCE in modern languages, She began her career teaching foreign languages, subsequently working with the International Baccalaureate Organisation (ibo.org) for over a decade in various posts.
Life changes saw Suzanne pursuing a new direction teaching adults, initially teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and English Functional Skills, then focusing on my interest in Mindfulness-based courses.