.b for Children and Young People
.b is an 10-week course for young people aged 10-18, delivered in the classroom or in small groups. It has primarily been designed for use in the classroom with what we would call ‘conscript’ audiences for 10 - 18 year olds, although it can also be used equally effectively in other settings.
At the most simple level .b is an awareness-raising exercise to give all students a taste of mindfulness so that they know about it and can return to it later in life if they choose to do so. However, for many pupils the course can lead to immediate and striking results: they feel happier, calmer and more fulfilled; they can concentrate better; they have a toolkit to deal with stress and anxiety.
The .b curriculum is a set of ten lessons, each teaching a distinct mindfulness skill, and designed to do so in a way which engages young minds. The lessons typically include a brief presentation by the teacher with the help of lively, pupil-friendly visuals, film and sound images, and practical exercises and demonstrations to make the ideas vivid and relevant to their lives.
Putting mindfulness in a relevant context motivates pupils to become still and allows the teacher to lead them in some short practices – for example learning to sit still and watch the breath, be aware of different parts of the body, walk mindfully or become more aware of how the body feels under stress. It will typically end with an invitation to do some brief practices at home during the week. The whole course is supported by a student handbook.
.b intends to help the young people who experience it to overcome difficulties, thrive and flourish – and the research that has taken place into its effectiveness suggests it does indeed have the potential to meet these more ambitious goals.
.b aims to help young people:
To experience greater well-being (e.g. feel happier, calmer, more fulfilled)
To improve their concentration and focus, in classes, in exams and tests, on the sports field, when playing games, when paying attention and listening to others
To work with difficult mental states such as depressive, ruminative and anxious thoughts and low moods
To cope with the everyday stresses and strains of adolescent life such as exams, relationships, sleep problems, familyissues.
To book a taster session or course, please get in touch.