Mindfulness for Parents and Carers 10 Week Courses
The mindfulness based course for parents and carers is based on the 8 week mindfulness stress reduction course.
It has been adapted to meet the needs of parents whose stress is getting in the way of their family relationships.
Through becoming familiar with our own patterns of reactions we become more able to respond from a place of freedom rather than just react.
We also practice focusing on the present moment, thus allowing us to notice more fully those moments in the day which are nourishing and which we so often miss because our minds are on the next job we need to do.
When you become a mindful parent, you are able to cultivate awareness and notice what is truly happening.
This ‘noticing’ allows you to be aware of what is going on for you as a parent and you can therefore give yourself permission to feel whatever emotion is there.
This simple act allows you to be responsive rather than reactive which often results in calmer and happier families.
To book a place on this course, please book online.
To find out more about our next course, please email us.