Mindfulness Training for Social Workers
The benefits of Mindfulness are well documented and expanding. Scientific clinical studies show that an 8-week course can:
Rewire your brain! Advances in neuro science have shown that mindfulness can support resilience in the face of anxiety, worry and low mood. It offers some protection against depression and burn out.
Strengthen positive emotions such as happiness, empathy and compassion.
Help to adjust and manage long-term health conditions.
Boost personal through taking a calmer and less reactive approach to life.
Improve concentration and performance allowing you to be more effective in what you do.
What does the 8-week course involve?
The course is practical and experiential. It includes:
8 sessions of 2 hours
Guided instruction in various secular mindfulness practices
Gentle stretching and mindful yoga.
Inquiry exercises to enhance awareness in everyday life
Discussion in pairs and small groups as well as in the larger group
Daily home assignments including CDs and workbook
Why would social workers attend such a course?
The reasons are many and various. Mindfulness is ultimately about wellbeing. For social workers, this involves keeping well – physically and mentally. Social work with foster carers and adoptive families, working with primary and secondary trauma in the wider context of under-resourced services and target driven cultures, is demanding and, at times, highly stressful. Worry, anxiety, depression and ‘burn out’ are common experiences with serious implications for social workers’ relationships at home and at work, as well as their sickness records and effectiveness in the workplace. The focus of this course is, therefore, on supporting wellbeing and teaching skills that can enhance Social Workers’ resilience and the capacity for emotional regulation. The aim is to create the conditions for an important shift of aspiration and of experience - from surviving to thriving. A secondary aim of offering the course to social workers is to enable them learn more about the approach to enable them to support adopters to put the techniques in place. We hypothesis this may potentially increase the therapeutic potential for adopters.
For more info or to book a place, click here.